Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Mingus Winn Yusef Rilke
Christof Farka Toure
Noboko-Yo Oidupaa Ma
Nina Son-one
Ezra SachEdwards
Scalavino Carrillo Berrigan
Argerich Ravel-ateef
ali-banté Sagan
Debussy E cummings Pound
Cannonball Willi-aits
Yo Dolphy-Nic-rosbie
Bird House Stu-
ben Ted Tom An-drewthony
Takemitsu Jansch Erroll
Mike Carl

I loves you

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Poem, you was
pink of a penis
but warbling marbles jangle mouth
as I lego upon duplo foundation
Dear schoolteacher, this line means polenta
learn cook, you tastes water
three day old tea in old as China china
I'd rather applesause, hold the pickle
Snow slows, so bebop the moguls
lindy hop snow off shoes
snow's too warm for a superconductor
store away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry area
Poem, you is
dust mites bedbugging 'neath fingernail

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Farewell Willie


An ising breathes out away

Farewell we -pooh stick- wait on bridge
awaiting wake ripple grips to trickle these lives together

I just feeled heart thoughts

Monday, January 16, 2012

Eastern Samples

This, is an album, of verily rapacious rapport to me(don't mind these words, they just spill out dreamlike without much thought to meaning). Majestic etherealizing whispers, not quite jazz, more like music, more like swimming through a pool of perfumed shea butter. And a double dose here I suppose...I shan't (oh pish posh so posh) introduce Yusef Lateef without Nujabes. He DJed hiphopping katana slicing beats through Samurai Champloo, but, but, but the important connection here: Nujabes sampled Yusef a fair bit. Listen to these in whatever order thouest wishes but! be sure to find that deeeeeelectable piano bit sampled in Feather which dances out deity divinelike in Love theme from the “Robe.” (Barry Harris the exceptional pianist pianoing this melody out).

Love The from "The Robe", Yusef Lateef on Eastern Sounds

Blues For The Orient, Yusef Lateef on Eastern Sounds

Love The from "Spartacus", Yusef Lateef on Eastern Sounds

Feather, Nujabes (featuring Cise Starr & Akin) on Modal Soul

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Son House

Em, should you be needing something to ward off the Christmas music, choose this guy.

"Ain't but one kind of blues, and that consisted between male and female that's in love"

Power of the deepest passion in that slide...

Son House - Legendary Rochester Sessions

Friday, December 23, 2011

Concierto de Aranjuez

This will not leave my noggin, though I wouldn't wish it did, such a lovely recording for the inloud speakers.
Concierto de Aranjuez; composed by Joaquin Rodrigo, performed by Orquesta de Cadaques - Edmon Colomer conducting, with Paco Delucia on guitar

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Morning Music

I awaken to   cobweb pendulum
most untimely clock
my breath locomotes lackadaisical loads upon its sway
play to this beat silken stranger

Pithecanthropus Erectus opus to the bobbing toe

erecting us erecting me to the music

Romeo is Bleeding, so dance a little more
ignoring not calves in motion

hubris hubris hubering
Hora Decubitus ehya Eric?
Dolphy Dolphy dolphin aflutters past view

the body, my body a shaking mushroom

flinging Mingus spores as fungus do
but not you silken one
I declare sodden through with spider glue
you lack any semblance of rhythm
so then adieu dance partner
adieu adieu

Pithecanthropus Erectus, Charles Mingus Pithecanthropus Erectus

Romeo is Bleeding, Tom Waits on Blue Valentine

Hora Decubitus, Charles Mingus on Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus